At Pedogenesis Inc.
We use a time-tested soil balancing system that has proven results at creating mineral-dense, nutrient-rich food and feed. Whether you are a certified organic farming, conventional farmer, or are considering a split operation you will find value in our system.

Learn More Now
We can help you create healthy soil that produces predictable, repeatable mineral-dense, nutrient-rich crops using the Premium Growing System.
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Sign up here for our email newsletter and blog notifications containing pertinent information on mineral balancing, soil management, and increasing crop quality and yield.
Get started! Choose which best describes your needs.
Food Production
Move your crops toward top quality. When appearance, flavor, and overall quality are “flawless” you earn top dollar!
Feed Production
You can experience high quality, sustainable feed production, with optimum presentation for livestock feed buyers.
Soil Reclamation
Start reclaiming damaged/non-arable land using our system that balances soil and increases fertility for higher quality and yields.